How does Go Live work?

With Go Live, you can easily sell tickets!
You just need to send us your event details, we can help you with the rest.

Before the Event Starts

Just One Day

After we receive the event details, your event page will be published within one working day. After the release, we will notify you immediately.

Customised Ticket Combinations

Early bird package, VIP tickets, student discounts or any promotional discounts…you name it, can be managed and sold here.

Customer Service

You can contact your participants through Go Live.

Increase Exposure

Go Live’s social platforms (Facebook and Instagram) can help the world get to know you and your activities.


Admission Arrangement

Download the Go Live Admission app on your mobile phone.


Use Go Live Admission app to scan the QR code on the e-ticket.

Participant List

If you want to view the information of the participants, you can choose to check it online or download the list.

After the Event

Reasonable Cost

We only charge a small fee.

Perfect Ending!

Thanks for your hard work! We will deposit the ticket income into your designated account within 2 weeks after the event ends.

Join Us Now!!
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