
PMQ Merry Vibes|Christmas 2022

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PMQ Merry Vibes Introduction

Carnival Christmas Meditation New Year"s Eve

PMQ Merry Vibes

PMQ Merry Vibes invites you to be happy with the High Five

The world is gradually returning to normal, and we can finally let go of our restraint and draw closer to each other. Are you ready to jump out of the Comfort Zone, accept and embrace changes, and spread love and smiles? At the end of 2022, what will be the rhythm of happiness?

PMQ is planning PMQ Merry Vibes this Christmas and New Year——partnering with the Swing Dance troupe "Swing Pocket" to hold a series of Christmas swing jazz parties, flash mob performances, swing dance first-hand experience workshops and other programs, hope Hong Kong During the Christmas period, people can easily "move"! In the dance steps and rhythm of swing music, shake off worries with new and old friends, and release happy dopamine; follow the "Museek Studio" during the New Year"s Eve, and experience Zen walking and relaxation in slow travel and playing with unpopular musical instruments. Come back to Me Time in the new year, let your body and mind heal yourself, and find the frequency of self-joy!

In addition, PMQ cooperated with the Polish Consulate General in Hong Kong to present the Polish Christmas Manger Sculpture Exhibition for the first time, allowing the public to know this Polish Christmas cultural treasure. The artist Filip Fotomajczyk, who has won 17 Polish Nativity scene competitions so far, was invited to Hong Kong to create a Hong Kong version of the Nativity scene with the participants. (Click here to view the details of this exhibition)

At the same time, there will be a series of exciting activities to ignite the joyful atmosphere of the festival - the PMQ ground atrium will be transformed into a Christmas wonderland, creating a Christmas tree market, looking for bright winter romance; also bringing you stylish Christmas gift promotion #PMQGiftYourStyle, invite Zhuo Yunzhi and tattoo artist Jeff Li collaborated to design tattoo stickers for 8 PMQ jewelry stores——when jewelry design meets tattoo art, it expresses different levels of feminine beauty.

Come to PMQ to spend Christmas and New Year together, and Happy High Five!- Click here to see more Christmas places!

1/ Listen to jazz swing, dance with happiness

Getting together and carnival has always been the highlight of Christmas. Dancing with the music is everyone"s innate instinct. Don"t limit yourself with "uncoordinated hands and feet". It"s time to explore the simplest and original fun! Let go of the fetters during the festival and dance with joy!

1.1/ Swing dance first experience workshop (parent-child session/ordinary session)

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Hop on and listen to jazz! In the 30-minute swing dance first experience workshop, swing dance lovers from "A Generation of Swing Swing Pocket" will lead participants to learn simple dance steps, and enjoy the freedom brought by music and dance with the relaxed and happy rhythm of jazz , with the same frequency as happiness.

What is swing dancing?Swing dance originated in New York in the 1920s and 1940s. It is a social dance that evolved from African Americans and combines African rhythms and European pas de deux.

This Christmas, why jazz swing dance?The main theme of Christmas is joy! Swing music is a type of jazz music born for dancing. It gives people a happy, swinging, energetic but slow and lazy feeling. Swing dance is often danced with swing jazz music. There is no established dance route, and dancers improvise according to the music and the mood of the moment. There is no need for a fixed partner, lead and follow, and no strict gender distinctions. The dance steps are simple, and novices or people with zero foundation can easily get started.

If you also want to try this kind of happy dance, we have prepared a swing dance first experience workshop, jump out of the Comfort Zone together, and embrace the possibility of happiness.

  • Parent-child field (Quota: 15 groups - each group includes 1 child over 5 years old and 1 parent):
  • December 24, 2022 | 2:30pm – 3:00pm
  • Ordinary field (Quota: 30 persons per session):
  • December 24, 2022 | 4:00pm – 4:30pm
  • December 25, 2022 | 3:30pm – 4:00pm, 7:00pm – 7:35pm
  • December 26, 2022 | 3:15pm – 3:45pm
  • Location: QUBE, Floor 2, Building A, PMQ
  • Fee: Free (A deposit of HK$90 is required, which will be fully refunded after attending the entire event.)
  • Registration: Public pre-registration will open on December 8, please refer to the official website for details

1.2/ Christmas jazz performance and swing dance performance

Swing Dance

If you like jazz music culture, or just want to spend a wonderful Christmas afternoon, the local band "Flo-tripper" will bring many Christmas songs and jazz classics, together with the swing dancers of "Swing Pocket" Dance to the happy rhythm of the holidays.

  • Christmas jazz performance and swing dance performance (Swing Pocket x Flo-tripper):
  • December 24, 2022 | 3:15pm – 3:45pm
  • December 25, 2022 | 2:45pm – 3:15pm
  • December 26, 2022 | 2:30pm – 3:00pm
  • Christmas jazz performance (Swing Pocket x Flo-tripper):
  • December 24, 2022 | 5:00pm – 5:30pm
  • December 25, 2022 | 4:15pm – 4:45pm
  • December 26, 2022 | 4:30pm – 5:00pm

  • Location: QUBE, Floor 2, Building A, PMQ

  • Quota: 50 people per session
  • Fee: Free
  • Registration: Public pre-registration will open on December 8, please refer to the official website for details

In addition to "Swing Pocket" and "Flo-tripper", the tap dancer "Step Out Studio" also joined the performances on December 25th, wandering around different spaces of PMQ from time to time, performing crossover flash mobs with live performances and impromptu dances Performing, jumping into PMQ with a relaxed and happy holiday rhythm.

1.3/ Live Jazz x Dance Party

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Dive into the jazz and rock this Christmas! A party, invite you to take the worrying steps together - dance, laugh wantonly, release happy dopamine!

The talented drummer Nate Wong and the members of the new local band "Wong Way Down" bring a variety of jazz styles (swing jazz, smooth jazz, fusion jazz, blues) live performances. "Step Out Studios" brings wonderful swing dancing and tap dancing performances respectively. More importantly, come and enjoy this festive dance floor—whether you want to sway to the rhythm of the music or dance alone, of course, you are most encouraged to invite new and old acquaintances to dance together.

Why party?

The 1930s and 1940s were known as the golden age of jazz. In the dance halls of Harlem, New York, swing dancing and listening to jazz were the most popular pastimes at that time. After experiencing the First World War and the Great Depression, people yearn for impromptu dancing and feel the freedom and happiness in it. In the past few years, we have experienced the depression and anxiety of the epidemic—happiness is both an echo and a call. This Christmas, through the swinging jazz party, we will bring vitality and energy to Hong Kong people, and even our toes will be happy!

Swing dancing is a social dance, although it can be danced alone, it is more fun to dance with two people. If you want to master the basic dance skills of pas de deux before the party, you can participate in the first experience workshop of swing dance, starting from zero foundation, and throwing yourself into a happy party.

  • Date and time: December 25, 2022 | 8:00pm – 10:00pm
  • Venue: QUBE, Floor 2, Block A, PMQ
  • Quota: 150 people
  • Fee: Free (A deposit of HK$90 is required, which will be fully refunded after attending the entire event.)
  • Registration: Public pre-registration will open on December 8, please refer to the official website for details

2/ Returning to Me Time with unpopular instruments

After experiencing the hustle and bustle of Christmas, you might as well give your attention and love back to yourself.

Breathing, pulse, brain waves - our body and mind also have their own frequency and rhythm. Follow "Museek Studio", through meditation and unpopular musical instruments, find your own comfortable rhythm, be full of inner joy, welcome Brand new year.

2.1/ Soft voice. Walking Slowly: Zen Walking and Sound Relaxation Experience

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In drum music, be aware of breathing, connect with the earth, and walk slowly.

In the soft voice, observe the body, return to the inner, and relax slowly.

Hinson Lo, founder/senior yoga instructor of Xunle Musical Instrument Store, led everyone to practice walking meditation, breathing exercises and relaxation experience. Practice bringing peace to your mind through awareness of your body. Accompanied by multi-instrumentalist Kawa Wong and cross-media artist Heyson Tsang using unpopular instruments for a live ensemble, let everyone slow down, take a good rest, and start again when the New Year is handed over.

  • Date and time: December 31, 2022 and January 1, 2023| 1:30pm - 2:30pm
  • Venue: QUBE, Floor 2, Block B, PMQ
  • Quota: 30 people per session
  • Fee: Free (A deposit of HK$90 is required, which will be fully refunded after attending the entire event.)
  • Registration: Public pre-registration will open on December 8, please refer to the official website for details

2.2/ Museek Jam Original Soundtrack. Improvisation Ensemble Experience Workshop

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Listen and feel quietly, and explore the inner musical potential through ensemble playing.

We believe that anyone can "play music" even if they have no background in music, as long as they are interested in music (sound) and are willing to listen quietly and play as they please. The event will demonstrate the basic gameplay of about 10 unpopular musical instruments. If you like acoustic instruments and want to try impromptu ensembles, you can come and feel the taste of creating music right now.

  • Tutor: Multi-instrumentalist Kawa Wong
  • Date: December 31, 2022 and January 1, 2023
  • Time: 4:00pm – 5:00pm
  • Location: QUBE, Floor 2, Block B, PMQ
  • Quota: 15 people per session
  • Fee: Free (A deposit of HK$90 is required and will be fully refunded after attending the entire event.)
  • Registration: Public pre-registration will open on December 8, please refer to the official website for details

2.3/ Guided tour of unpopular musical instruments (parent-child session/ordinary session)

Xunle brings you different unpopular musical instruments from nearly 40 countries around the world.

During the one-hour guided tour, the guide will demonstrate various instruments and explain various stories and histories about the instruments. A special parent-child field is set up, allowing parents and children to play rhythm games and move their bodies together.

  • Parent-child session: December 31, 2022 (Quota: 4 groups) | 1:00pm – 1:45pm, 3:30pm – 4:15pm
  • Adult session: January 1, 2023 (Quota: 8 persons per session) | 1:00pm – 1:45pm, 3:30pm – 4:15pm
  • Venue: XUNLE pop-up store, Room H211, Floor 2, Block B, PMQ
  • Fee: Free (A deposit of HK$90 is required, which will be fully refunded after attending the entire event.)
  • Registration: Public pre-registration will open on December 8, please refer to the official website for details

Source of above information: PR

More Information
Performance Start Date24 Dec 2022
Performance End Date26 Dec 2022
Art FormMusic

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